Academia and Industry are two important pillars of our economy. A robust collaboration between the two will augur well for our developing economy, enabling innovation, growth in the education system and producing an employment-ready workforce. Millennials entering the job market today are ready to learn new technologies and how to collaborate. Entrepreneurs and Educational Institutes need to recognise this opportunity and build a constructive framework for collaboration to make India a global innovation hub. Following important features which will perhaps give us some aid in understanding New India: 

  1. Its diversity
  2. The depth of culture
  3. A land of minorities
  4. Its future depends on the interaction between two worlds
  5. In the cities and rural India, poverty, spirituality and modernity mix and coexist
  6. Technology Embrace by almost all societies at all levels


To equip these young and vibrant students of New India with modern technology tools of learning and earning, Team Sanaatan has engineered several e-Books under GST Eco-System which are available and enabled free through GST BOT platform. The benefits of GST e-Books are as underneath: 

  1. GST e-Books Are Instant
  2. GST e-Books Are More Portable Than Print
  3. There Are No Late Fees similar to Library Books
  4. e-Readers can buy upgraded versions of GST BOT and GST VOICE BOT for interactive learning
  5. GST e-Books Take Up Much Less Space and can be hosted on Mobile Phone
  6. You Can Customize Font Size and Style in GST e-Books
  7. e-Readers Can Be More Environmentally Friendly Than Print Books
  8. GST e-Books Can Be Read in the Dark
  9. New Releases and Updates are Instant
  10. GST e-Books are anytime, anyplace Ease of Learning

These GST e-Books are available free to all those students who join IntelliGST Learning Platform through University Collaboration / Institutional Collaboration Program.